Sunday, January 06, 2008

Of life and dreams
Do you dream ? Yup ??? Dream about what ? Flying in the sky ?
Sitting on top of a mountain ? Gazing into the night sky ? Driving into the sun ?
Holding a hand ? Enjoying a cup of coffee on the high way with friends at 1 AM :)
These are the simple dreams which could be easily achieve but ... we dont have the time ...
We dont have the time to live our simple dreams ... We are far too busy thinking about the big things in life or the future we havent seen or the past which is actually gone .. why waste time thinking about these things .. lets enjoy the simple joys of life ... We forget to see the small simple adorable moments that life presents us .. We ignore the beauty of life..
Lets begin to notice the joys that life throws at us every day .....
Listen to the birds that chirp .. see the morning sun ... feel the breeze ... Smell the flowers...
Lets stop thinking about could have been better .. or what we can do tomorrow ..lets enjoy today ...
Live every moment to its fullest who knows there may not be a tomorrow :)